Department of English
The management of Bahujan Hitay Jagat Shikshan Sanstha, Gondia has established this institution Jagat Arts, Commerce and Indiraben Hariharbhai Patel Science College, Goregaon in 1992 in rural area with graduate programme in Arts, Commerce and Science faculties affiliated to R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur. The department of English came into existence in the same year as English is the compulsory subject in all the faculties- Arts, Commerce and Science. Dr. R.B. Bhairam took the charge of the head of the department in the year 1998 after the appointment as an assistant professor. The second faculty member Dr. R.M. Pise joined the department in the year 2000 as an assistant professor. As per annual work load, the college appoints the contributory lecturers. Faculty members devoted themselves for the educational development of the students and to inculcate the social values among the students to make them the responsible citizen. The department has well-equipped Language Laboratory which is accessible to them during tutorials. Faculty members try their level best to impart knowledge to the students by taking regular classes, tutorials, assignments, remedial classes.
@ Courses
- Compulsory English (B.A., B.Com., B.Sc.)
@ Teaching, Learning & Evaluation
- Blackboard, Power point presentation
- Student seminars, Unit test, Semester test
- Remedial classes
- Result Analysis
@ Research, Consultancy & Extension
- Publication of Research papers
- Attended conferences & seminars
- Remedial classes
@ Infrastructure & Learning resources
- Well-equipped Language Laboratory
- Audio-visual aids